This is where you’ll find out what we have been doing recently.
Most of out current work can be seen on our Facebook Site.
Mark Howells is a Google Trusted Photographer, working closely with Google to create 360° virtual tours for local businesses.
See also our sister web site: and 360° Facebook Site
Well the rain did not stop play on Saturday night!! And did it rain!!
Brilliant evening for Ashford RFC Summer Ball. (There you go, if it was called the Spring Ball, we might have and a small shower or two. But calling it “Summer” put a jinx on it! lol)
It was great to be able to put up a full 6m wide backdrop up, but we had them pouring off then edges of that as well! But with a bit of Photoshop magic, we got you all fitted in the picture!
Another great night for Bethany School Leaver. The Class of 2018 will remember this night fondly.
This was the first one held at the The Spa Hotel in Tunbridge Wells. What a lovely venue. And from out point of view, getting the equipment in and out was a doddle!!
We were honoured to attend the Lodge of Freedom No 77 Ladies Night.
The president and his Lady, held their annual Ladies Festival at The Gravesend Masonic Centre. We were delighted to have been invited along with our mobile portrait studio to photograph all of the guests.
All of the photographs from the evening are available in our Web Page and can be viewed and re-ordered using the button below.
Cheryl & Mark held PMPT Lodge’s annual Ladies Festival at The Village Hotel, Maidstone this year. We were delighted to have been invited along again with our mobile portrait studio to photograph all of the guests.
All of the photographs from the evening are available in our Web Page and can be viewed and re-ordered using the button below.
Chillington Manor Lodge held their annual Ladies Festival at Oakwood House, Maidstone and we were delighted to have been invited along with our mobile portrait studio to photograph all of the guests.
As it was such a lovely evening, most of the photographs were taken in the courtyard, using Oakwood House’s glorious grounds as a backdrop.
During the meal, the green-screen studio was set up for guests to have their photograph taken after the meal.
I want to thank you and Gill for the wonderful job you did at the party. The green-screen was amazing and went down so well with my friends. And the set-up was so professional.
I will be highly recommending your services especially to the Fiona at The Bridgewood Manor as you are virtually on their doorstep!
Again thankyou. Worth every penny!
Thanks again for a great night and the backgrounds looked amazing!!
Hello mark
Thanks for the link, sorry ive been meaning to email you. The event went very well and everyone had a good time thanks. Your two photographers were also great all the photos i saw on the night were fantastic, a few of the guests had requests for backgrounds and with no time they had downloaded them The green screen went down a treat and we will be in contact again if we hold anymore events .
Thank you very much
Chris Franklin
Bearsted Round Table
Everyone was so delight with the work your team did at our Awards Evening. And the speed at which the photos were coming out was amazing! A big thank you to your team!
So now l feel a little cheeky, one photo that you took, we would like as the cover of our upcoming newsletter, could you send a high res image to our publisher?
Lynsey Williams | PA | Sidcup Factory
Coca-Cola Enterprises Limited,

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